Monday, January 11, 2010

Next Steps

I am pretty happy with myself at the moment.

I have my water here, I packed my clothes to go to the gym at lunch, I packed a healthy lunch for today and I ate breakfast.

I got some exercise over the weekend working on the barn, but yesterday I made some poooooor choices.. like snacking all day and lying around.

Today is a new day.. Monday and I am back on track.

I have a gym membership that I have not used in over 6 months.. any one else in that boat with me?

January is always crowded when most people.. including myself.. decide to get back at it.  This year, I turn 40.  I have been seeing quite a few blog posts out there about 40 things people are going to do because they are turning 40 this year.  I am still thinking about the 40 things I would want to accomplish this year and if I can get it together this week, I may post those here, since most of the 40 things have to do with shrinking the size of my breeches and well, breeches in general.

One of those things is taking a trip up to British Columbia.  Living in Washington State, it is not a far drive to Langley B.C.  My best friend lives in B.C. as well, so we take trips up there as often as possible.

I am planning on buying a couple pairs of britches there.. why?  Well.. the Equestrian Factory Outlet is opening next month in Langley B.C.!!!!!

You can check them out at their Website.. Equestrian Outlet.

Their website is not very informative, but We saw an ad in Flying Changes magazine this month for the Langley store!  Basically, they carry a large selection of European brands and they are up to 75% off!

I also found out that Kerrits has their annual sale in Oregon in December.  I will also be doing a trek there this year.

I have many dreams and or goals this year that I would like to accomplish.  I tend to dream big.. and now I need to put the work in to accomplish some of those things.

For me.. the biggest project I have for this year is my health.  Weight, stopping smoking, and getting fit are all my number one priorities for myself this year.

So I will report on the end of the day, what I accomplished.  Happy Monday everyone!


Wolfie said...

I like your attitude! Monday is a new day. And, you are looking to the future. So, you made some bad choices yesterday....the fact that you recognized that they were bad is a good thing! One day at a time.

Gail said...

All at once??? I envy your will power.